Touhou Wiki
Touhou Project è una serie di giochi danmaku a scorrimento verticale creata da Team Shanghai Alice, con sei spinoff picchiaduro co-prodotti assieme a Twilight Frontier. Al momento stiamo rinnovando il sito, quindi scusateci per la mancanza di materiale e/o testo inglese presente.
Touhou Wiki copre i giochi ufficiali di Touhou Project, assieme a materiali e qualunque gioco fatto dai fan e media, assieme ad altri giochi correlati sviluppati da membri precedenti di Amusement Makers o in congiunzione con Team Shanghai Alice. Ognuno può leggere e contribuire. Ricordatevi di seguire le linee di condotta, i nostri Termini di Servizio, e le linee guida quando aggiungi o modifichi contenuto.
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Giochi PC-98
TH01 Highly Responsive to Prayers
TH02 Story of Eastern Wonderland
TH03 Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream
TH04 Lotus Land Story
TH05 Mystic Square
Giochi Windows
TH06 Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
TH07 Perfect Cherry Blossom
TH07.5 Immaterial and Missing Power
TH08 Imperishable Night
TH09 Phantasmagoria of Flower View
TH09.5 Shoot the Bullet
TH10 Mountain of Faith
TH10.5 Scarlet Weather Rhapsody
TH11 Subterranean Animism
TH12 Undefined Fantastic Object
TH12.3 Touhou Hisoutensoku
TH12.5 Double Spoiler
TH12.8 Fairy Wars
TH13 Ten Desires
TH13.5 Hopeless Masquerade
TH14 Double Dealing Character
TH14.3 Impossible Spell Card
TH14.5 Urban Legend in Limbo
File:Icon th15.png TH15 Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom
TH15.5 Antinomy of Common Flowers
File:Icon th16.png TH16 Hidden Star in Four Seasons
TH16.5 Violet Detector
TH17 Wily Beast and Weakest Creature
File:Icon th175.png TH17.5 Touhou Gouyoku Ibun
TH18 Unconnected Marketeers
TH18.5 100th Black Market
Altri Giochi
Gold Rush
Seihou Project
Uwabami Breakers
Giochi correlati
ZUN's Music Collection
Dolls in Pseudo Paradise
Ghostly Field Club
Changeability of Strange Dream
Retrospective 53 minutes
Magical Astronomy
Unknown Flower, Mesmerizing Journey
Trojan Green Asteroid
Neo-traditionalism of Japan
Dr. Latency's Freak Report
Dateless Bar "Old Adam"
Akyu's Untouched Score
Volume 1 (TH04)
Volume 2 (TH05)
Volume 3 (TH02)
Volume 4 (TH03)
Volume 5 (TH01)
Immaterial and Missing Power OST
Scarlet Weather Rhapsody OST
Touhou Hisoutensoku OST
Hopeless Masquerade OST
Urban Legend in Limbo OST
Urban Legend in Limbo PS4 OST
Antinomy of Common Flowers OST
Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red CD
Seasonal Dream Vision CD
Perfect Memento in Strict Sense CD
Grimoire of Marisa CD
Silent Sinner in Blue CD
Eastern and Little Nature Deity CD
Strange and Bright Nature Deity CD 1
Strange and Bright Nature Deity CD 2
Strange and Bright Nature Deity CD 3
Oriental Sacred Place CD 1
Oriental Sacred Place CD 2
Oriental Sacred Place CD 3
Forbidden Scrollery CD
Opere dei fan
Circoli musicali
Touhou Bougetsushou
Silent Sinner in Blue
Cage in Lunatic Runagate
Inaba of the Moon and Inaba of the Earth
Touhou Bunka (Bunbunmaru News)
Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red
Alternative Facts in Eastern Utopia
Touhou Gumon (Gensokyo Chronicle)
Perfect Memento in Strict Sense
Symposium of Post-mysticism
Touhou Ibarakasen
Wild and Horned Hermit
Touhou Kourindou
Curiosities of Lotus Asia
Touhou Sangetsusei
Eastern and Little Nature Deity
Strange and Bright Nature Deity
Oriental Sacred Place
Visionary Fairies in Shrine
Touhou Suzunaan
Forbidden Scrollery
Touhou Suichouka
Lotus Eaters
Touhou Chireikiden
Cheating Detective Satori
Danmaku Works
The Grimoire of Marisa
The Grimoire of Usami
Strange Creators of Outer World
Seasonal Dream Vision
Opere dei fan
Circoli con pubblicazioni